Thursday, November 19, 2009

It's all about RefWorks!

Here comes Thanksgiving and papers and finals and ...

Well, we'll focus on that in just a minute. First, I just finished Liberation: Being the Adventures of the Slick Six following the Collapse of the United States of America by Brian Francis Slattery. Lengthy title notwithstanding, this book came to us after weeks of enthusiastic recommendations from various directions, and after reading it, I can understand why. At its root, it's a science-fiction (SF) novel, a genre which doesn't always get the respect it deserves in certain quarters. Some forget that fantastic writers like Margaret Atwood, George Orwell, Aldous Huxley, HG Wells, Mary Shelley, Michael Chabon, and Kurt Vonnegut (to name just a few) were or are all SF authors. That's without including Isaac Asimov, who alone occupies 9 of the 10 major Dewey classifications (except the 100s, philosophy and psychology) and ... well, that's another post. The point is that the SF label isn't sufficient justification for dismissal.

Liberation is a good example of SF that works well as a piece of literature on a par with The Road or Oryx and Crake; as the title makes obvious, this is the story of an America crushed beneath the falling dollar and the flight of foreign investors, leading to the bankruptcy of the government and the total collapse of American society. This results in an landscape that's been peculiarly changed; after the initial flurry of riots and small wars dies down, people are more or less intact but incredibly poor, so they make do with the junk left over from their former lives.

Families take up residence in stripped station wagons and spin thread for textiles on wheels mounted on car axles, children gather junk from the shore and refashion various useful multitools to hawk on the streets, a single individual gathers all the information from around the country and sends it out in weekly digests via telegraph, fiber-optic cable, and the few remaining American-owned satellites, and other small-but-brilliant indications of the ingenuity and vibrance that's still left even after the death of the government. There's no real political organization larger than, say, Asheville, North Carolina, the last place on the continent south of Canada that's still free. Economically, though, most of the financial activity in the former United States is run by the Aardvark, a criminal-turned-king who rules from New York and runs most of the revived slave trade.

Enter the Slick Six: a band of thieves before the collapse who pulled off unimaginably huge heists using the members' strange skills at accounting, electronics, information dissemination, being charming, being smart, and killing people. One of them was shipped off to jail -- literally, on a prison ship somewhere in the North Atlantic -- before the end of society, and when he returns, he finds himself determined to bring the Slick Six back together and bring down the Aardvark and end slavery for the second time in American history. Whether he's successful or not, of course, is a matter of perspective. It's a narrative that reminds me strongly of Thomas Pynchon and other authors who can easily occupy an entire page with a single sentence that can take you halfway across the continent before you realize the subject's been changed.

It's highly recommended, especially if you're worried about the economy. It's pure speculation, of course, but it's still a terrific read!

After that lengthy synopsis and brief digression on the nature of SF and its awful treatment at the hands of literary snobs, let's focus on something more practical, especially as the semester winds down: RefWorks. I'm going to do this all in a Q&A format, mostly because I'm tired of writing long narrative posts and because there are several questions common to each student encounter with RefWorks.

What is RefWorks?
Why, that's simple. It's a bibliographic content management system!

By which I mean, of course, that it can store all the citation information from the articles, books, Web sites and other sources you come across while you're doing your research, organize all those articles, and then automatically create a "Works Cited" list for you to insert in your paper or project. Or a "References" list or whatever else is prescribed by the style manual you're using (APA, MLA, Chicago, etc.).

Cue heavenly glow. Cue angelic choir. That's what I see in the faces of most of the students whom I introduce to RefWorks when I mention that last. It's crazy. I'll explain more about that later; suffice it to say that RefWorks does a lot of work for you while you're researching.

How do I find it?
Go to and look in the middle box in the top row on the page with a sort of burgundy/maroon-colored header bar that says "Research Help." You should see a link third from the bottom that says "RefWorks." Click on it.

Next, you'll see another page, this time with a bunch more links. This is the Library-RefWorks page. To go straight to RefWorks, just click the link at the top, the one saying "Link to RefWorks." However, if it's your first time, I do strongly suggest that you read the rest of the page.

Why? Well, we have two videos created by Jane Rutherford, one of our Instruction & Reference Librarians, that walk you through the fundamentals of using RefWorks; both videos are identical, one just has voice added. They are terrifically useful, and having them means I can skip the details here.

You'll also see a list of "Import Guides" along the right-hand side of the screen. These are important for two reasons. First, they relate to one of RefWorks' most useful functions, which is the ability to automatically transfer all citation information from the database articles of your choice right into RefWorks, saving you all the time it'd take to type a single reference into the online form provided by RefWorks. This is awesome.

Unfortunately, not all databases are created equal; each one transfers citations into RefWorks by different methods. This is the second reason why the import guides are important: they all include step-by-step instructions for getting citations into RefWorks for each database (including our catalog, ALADIN Discovery). Because of that, this is one window you'll want to keep open while you're doing your research.

Do I really need to create an account?
Yup. It's free, doesn't ask for much personal information, takes very little time, and is definitely worth it.

Okay, I kind of get what you're saying. But ... how do I really use it?
It varies according to your needs. Here's an example of the research process I'd use for articles by themselves:
  1. Open RefWorks, sign in, and keep it open the entire time. Just leave it alone
  2. Open the Library's RefWorks page (with the links to all the import guides on it) and leave that open, too
  3. Get started on researching by picking a database
  4. After deciding which database you want to use, go back to the list of import guides and open the one for the database you're using. Leave it open while you're searching.
  5. Search and find whatever articles you'll need in that database
  6. Follow the instructions on the import guide to get all the citations you want to use into RefWorks
  7. Once the citations are in RefWorks, you get to decide what you want to do with the citations:
    1. Leave them where they are (RefWorks puts them into the 'Last Imported' folder)
    2. Put them into a folder specifically for this topic (you can create it before you start researching or do it at this point, using the Folders menu in the RefWorks menu bar)
For, say a book that doesn't come from a Consortium library (remember, RefWorks can work with information from ALADIN Discovery) or a Web site or, really, anything else, you'll need to create the reference itself. It's less of a pain than you'd think in RefWorks, though:
  1. In RefWorks, open the menu named References and select "Add a new reference"
  2. You'll see a big form full of what seems like hundreds of blank fields. Don't worry about those -- just look at the top of the form
    1. Make sure that the right style is selected in View fields used by: drop-down next to the "Save Reference" button
    2. If you want to put the reference in a specific folder, select that in the next drop-down
    3. Now you'll need to figure out the Ref type. Fortunately, RefWorks' options are pretty straightforward; pick the one that applies
  3. When you pick the reference type, the form will automatically reload with green checkmarks next to certain fields.
  4. Fill in as many of the green-checked fields as possible
    1. Those are the fields that will be used in whatever reference type and style you picked
    2. If the information for a specific field simply isn't available (if your book has an author but no editors, for example), don't worry. A green check mark next to the field doesn't mean it's required, just recommended.
  5. Once you've filled in as much as you can fill in, click on "Save Reference"
  6. That's it.
Now for the grand finale! After you're done with all your researching, you can now create a reference list for your paper:
    1. Click on Bibliography in the Menu bar
    2. Pick your style (APA 6th Edition, maybe)
    3. Pick the format you want the list to be in (usually "Word for Windows (2000 or later)")
    4. Pick the folder you want the references to come from
    5. Click on "Create Bibliography"
    6. A page will come up, saying something like "Formatting ... " Just wait.
    7. Then a download window will pop up. Save it to your computer first.
    8. Open it and make sure it's complete and nothing's gone horribly wrong (computers can be funny, huh? Real funny)
    9. Copy and paste away to your heart's content.
Wow. It really does make a reference list for your paper.
Yup. You okay?



Well, anyway, it's a fantastic tool to have. It removes a lot of the strain involved in keeping track of large numbers of articles while you're working on your project or paper. And we provide it for free!

The only real downside to using RefWorks is the time it takes to learn a new way of doing things, figure out the interface, and get used to it all. Fortunately, it pays off big in the end.

If you have any further questions about RefWorks or could use some more in-depth training, feel free to get in touch with us to set up an appointment -- whether through e-mail at, via IM through, or by just plain old droppin' by.

That ends this week. This blog will be taking Thanksgiving off -- it could really use some turkey and stuffing -- so we'll see you again on December 4!

Question of the Week
What are your hours over the Thanksgiving holiday weekend?
Here they are:

Tuesday, November 24: 8 a.m. - 9 p.m.
Wednesday, November 25: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Thursday, Thanksgiving Day: Closed
Friday, November 27: Closed
Saturday, November 28: 1 p.m. - 5 p.m.
Sunday, November 29: 12 p.m. - 12 a.m.

Friday, November 13, 2009

a word about searching

Friday the 13th. Seems more appropriate for Halloween, but since that's on the 31st, I suppose that's out.

Let's see. I just finished The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay by Michael Chabon, the fascinating mind behind The Yiddish Policemen's Union. Again, there's sort of a historical basis in World War II, although the influence of the war is, of course, more strongly felt in Kavalier & Clay. It's the story of a pair of Jewish cousins -- one of whom, Kavalier, is a Czech refugee from the Prague ghetto in the earliest days of the war -- who become the creative team behind some of the most popular comic-book series of all time. The novel chronicles Clay's struggle with his own private issues while Kavalier ranges across the world in an effort to exorcise his own demons, only to end up losing almost everything and everyone who matters to him. Love blooms and offspring get involved, and a surprise twist at the end leaves you wondering what happens next ...

It's a fascinating, well-written book, full of terrific details and absorbing episodes (the bar-mitzvah scene, where Kavalier moonlights as a stage magician only to have his show interrupted by a real-life supervillain, is a page-turner par excellence). It does run fairly long at somewhere between 530-550 pages, but it's worth every paper cut.

Now, I promised you some real meat. Let's start with with the second-most fundamental aspect of research (the most fundamental aspect is, of course, the research question).

The keywords. Keywords are, basically, the words you use to search for stuff in a database or search engine, like ProQuest or Google. However, most databases work differently from Google. I can't emphasize this enough. Most people just find a database and enter any old term or phrase, like, "How many deaf people live in the United States?"

First, most databases won't look for the answer to the question; they'll look for articles that have any of the words that appear in the question. You'll get 22,363 articles that have "states," "live," "people," "the," "united," "how," "deaf," "many," and "in" in the text of each article. Not helpful.

That's why keywords are important -- they isolate specific concepts and allow you to put them together in a way that gets you what you want. Most people already understand this, so they sit down and start entering any old word. While that strategy sounds just as good a way to start as any, I see a lot of people staring at ProQuest or America: History & Life with no idea what to search for, because they've used keywords that sound good, but now can't remember which ones they've already used, or can't figure out what other keywords might work.

Try this instead:
  • Get a blank sheet of paper
  • Write your topic across the top -- "Colonialism in Robert Louis Stevenson's Treasure Island," for example.
  • Take the important ideas out and split them up into different lists thus:
    • Colonialism
    • Robert Louis Stevenson
    • Treasure Island
  • Grab a thesaurus or find one online -- is a good one. We also have some more specialized thesauri for certain academic disciplines; ask at the Service Desk for help finding one if you need it.
  • Use the thesaurus to figure out synonyms that might work. Although old Robert Louis and Treasure Island are fairly unambiguous, "colonialism" might have a few different synonyms:
    • Imperialism
    • Manifest destiny
    • Expansionism
  • Come up with a few different ways that these words could go together, using:
    • AND (if you want both words in the article)
    • OR (if you want one or the other of two words)
    • Quotation marks (for exact phrases)
    • Truncation marks (also known as wild-card searches; look for a link to something like "Search Help" in the database you're using -- it'll tell you if you can use asterisks, question marks, or other punctuation marks to find variations on the keywords you want)
    • Parentheses (so you can group words together and make smaller searches within the larger search)
    • Thus:
      • "Robert Louis Stevenson" AND (imperialism or colonialism)
      • "Treasure Island" AND (imperial* or colon*)
        • In this case, the asterisks are truncation marks, which means the database will look for words like imperial, imperialism, imperialist, colony, colonial, colonialism, colonialist, colonization, colonized ... well, and so on
    • Play around with different combinations
  • Search.
  • Search.
  • Search.
  • ... and search some more.
The last four aren't jokes. This takes time, effort, and some fancy mental footwork. It's not easy. You'll have to search over and over again, often with tiny variations on the last search, fine-tuning the results you get back. Sometimes you hit a wall and have no idea where to go next.

I'll tell you where to go: the Library. IM us through the chat widget on, e-mail us through, or -- this is usually the best way to get things done quickly -- come on in and ask for help at the Service Desk. We're all old hands at searching through databases and are always, always happy to help out.

Really, searching and finding information for your topic is probably one of the hardest parts of working on a paper or project, second only to actually writing your paper or putting your project together. Part of this is because it becomes difficult to keep track of all the articles you've found and want to use; most students tend to print out every single article, write the important information they need for references on top of the first page, then lug all of it around.

There's an easier way: RefWorks. It's awesome; I'll go into more detail about it next week, so be sure to tune in.

In the meantime, enjoy your weekend! I hear it may be the last warm-ish one we get ...

Question of the Week
Why can you only check out reserve items for up to 2 hours?
Why is the sky blue? Why is the sun yellow? Why does the Planck constant add up to 4.13566733(10) x 10-15 eVs? Well, that last one has an answer, so scratch that.

All facetiousness aside, though, reserve items have a time limit because that's the nature of reserve items -- they're on reserve because your professor wants them to be available to you when you need them. It's hard to accomplish that if we allow any students to check out a reserve item for more than 2 hours. That's also why those items can't leave the Library while they're on reserve. Everyone in a given class needs to have a fighting chance at those items, and the only way to accomplish this is to place some restrictions on their use and apply them evenly to everyone in the course.

This way, if a student really needs her professor's dissertation for class the next day, but it's unavailable, she can at least check ALADIN Discovery and see if it's due back soon enough for her to stick around and wait for it to be returned. In fact, I've seen some students check ALADIN Discovery, see that one of their classmates has checked out the book or movie they need, then literally search the Library for those classmates so they can ask to join the other student and use the item without needing to wait until the other student's done. It almost always works out pretty well.

Friday, November 6, 2009

October Library update

November. Already.

Let's segue from the shock of this realization (I've been here just about a year already!) right into a book I'm anxious to evangelize: Roberto Bolaño's The Savage Detectives.

I have to admit, my expectations really weren't where they needed to be for this book; I'd thought it'd be an easy read, a fairly straightforward semi-autobiographical tale written by a Chilean poet living alternately in Mexico and Spain. I probably should have known better.

It's a pretty tough book, one that combines many, many different narratives to provide an equally large number of angles on two central characters, Arturo Belano (sort of the author's alter-ego) and Ulises Lima, a pair of poets who start a movement in Mexico only to see it splinter, its über-Bohemian members fracturing into various occupations and lives. Belano and Lima also go on their own search for the mysterious Cesarea Tinajero, a female poet from the 1920s whose influence is legendary but whose body of work is nonexistent. They split up very suddenly for unexplained reasons and leave on their own individual journeys across the world and through various revolutions in a pair of mazelike stories that range from the 1960s to the 1990s. Along the way, you get not only the sense of those two lives, but also the lives of the people they touched, from itinerant apple-pickers in the south of France to Israeli criminals to Austrian pickpockets to Mexican poets to Ecuadorian revolutionaries. The book ends with, first, an old-fashioned duel undertaken on a Spanish beach under the cover of night, and second, a young would-be poet who finally reveals what happened on Lima and Belano's search for Cesarea Tinajero and the ensuing tragedy that split up our two main characters and jump-started their adventures.

It's heady and I'm still thinking about it. It's easily one of the best books I've read all year.

In the meantime, let's see what's been going on around the Library for the past month while we've been doing our Halloween recommendations.

The big thing on my mind involves our printers. Both printers are now up and running, except for the two computers that have been disconnected from the printers altogether. We're still experiencing a few bumps -- people are reporting intermittent connections, sometimes with one or both printers disappearing from the computer altogether, and some are even reporting that just trying to print is crashing their browser window, both Internet Explorer and Firefox. Rest assured, we are working on it.

We've also been hosting workshops during Common Time. Our first workshop was last Thursday. Hosted by Sarah Hamrick, our Director of Library Public Services, the workshop discussed the various ins and outs of copyright, which is an important topic to understand in general, but especially in college, where students are prone to borrow other people's work (like video clips or photos) in their projects. Yesterday saw our second workshop, where I discussed different ways to find images that are both free of watermarks and less prone to copyright issues, which can be used in your projects without worrying about the potential legal implications.

Next Tuesday at 12:30 p.m., though, come to room 1225 on the first floor of the Library to see Diana Gates, our Deaf Collection Librarian, talking about deaf biographies and how to find them! Highly recommended for anyone who's working in Deaf Studies and related fields, as well as just plain curiosity-seekers. The following Tuesday, November 17, at the same time and place, come see Patrick Oberholtzer discussing various research methods for the Hearing, Speech, and Language Sciences program!

We are busy.

We also have a pair of new displays up to replace our Halloween-themed displays. I strongly encourage people to check them out; one is devoted to novels from around the world, encompassing such various countries as Somalia, Mexico, and Ireland (including At Swim-Two-Birds, which is a really fun read). The other one is a collection of short-story anthologies; they're great if you want to read a good story without committing your time and energy to a full-length novel. We've got short stories covering science fiction, thrillers, graphic fiction (comics and stuff), horror ... heck, we've even got baseball short stories.

We're also hard at work setting up our new acquisitions budget for 2010. Now is a great time to let us know if there are any books you'd like us to get! We'll start buying within the next couple of months, and our wish list is getting long.

Especially let me know if there's any specific fiction you'd like to have available here! Popular fiction is pretty unpredictable and buying for that area can be hit-or-miss. We'd love to know what people want to read for fun, and we do depend a lot on personal recommendations. Please do feel free to let us know if you want a particular book, author, or series.

In the meantime, we're getting very, very ready for the Fall semester to begin winding down. Thanksgiving's coming up, and it's one of our busiest times as students get started on their final papers and projects and gear up to begin studying for exams. Then after it's all over, we'll be into the sweet, sweet oblivion of Christmas break ... when we'll stay open except for the week-and-a-half around Christmas and New Year's. I'll go into more detail about our break hours in a few weeks.

Now that you're updated on what's happening around the Library, we'll get back into some more meaty stuff next week, including some research tips. Keep an eye out!

Question of the Week
What's up with the Deaf Copy 1 room? You've mentioned it before and how I can only check things out for up to two hours and can't leave the Library? Why? What's its purpose?
I suppose you could see the Deaf Copy 1 room as sort of an ark of deaf-related materials. As has been mentioned previously in this blog, it contains the first copy of every single item you see in the Deaf Collection on the first floor of the Library (including films, periodicals, books, games, and other media), plus many more rare, one-of-a-kind items.

It's there because when people check something out, it sometimes gets damaged, broken, or outright lost. Our mission, in conjunction with the Archives, involves the collection and preservation of deaf-related materials, so the Deaf Copy 1 room ensures that we have access to a working, undamaged copy of all deaf-related items. This is why people cannot check out any materials from that room for more than 2 hours and those items can't leave the Library; we prefer to keep as much control over the whereabouts of all Deaf Copy 1 material in order to ensure its survival and to ensure that it's available for anyone who needs it and can't find it on the circulating shelves. Exceptions do occur but are extremely rare. Keep this in mind if you need something from that room and plan accordingly.